It's Time to Fight Back! How to Beat Out Your Competition, Even if They're The Industry's Biggest Players

The real estate industry is under attack, with national companies and big tech surrounding traditional agents from all sides. However, we still have a shot at standing out to consumers if we make the right moves.


How can we stay ahead of the curve, so we’re always on hand to offer consumers more value than our competitors? Is there a way for the underdog to not only survive in the wake of the onslaught, but emerge victorious? 


In this episode, Jake Wolfe details how KlevrLeads is getting traditional agents on the same playing field as the industry’s biggest players. 


Three Things You’ll Learn in This Episode 


  • The beauty of offering incentives How can we offer our prospective clients so much value that it works in their favor to work with us? 


  • Why we need to focus on solving real problems What challenges are consumers facing today, and how can we step in to help them overcome the hurdle? 


  • How to tailor our marketing strategies for the best results We know we have a ton of value to offer. The question is, how do we ensure enough people know about what makes us unique?

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