The Power of the Millennials: How to Attract and Retain a Growing Commercial Buying Group

Millennials, also known as Gen Y, are the generation born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s. They are a dominant force in the commercial buying market, with significant purchasing power and influence over the economy. In this guide, we will explore the characteristics of millennials as a commercial buying group, their impact on the economy, and how businesses can effectively market to them.

Characteristics of Millennials as a Commercial Buying Group

Digital Natives: Millennials are the first generation to grow up with technology and the internet. They are comfortable using technology for everything from social media to shopping, making them a highly connected and tech-savvy buying group. According to a report by Adobe, 67% of millennials prefer to shop online, and they spend an average of 6 hours per week shopping online.

Conscious Consumers:Millennials care about social and environmental issues, and they want their purchases to align with their values. They are more likely to support companies that prioritize sustainability, diversity, and ethical practices. According to a survey by Nielsen, 73% of millennials are willing to pay more for sustainable products, and 81% expect companies to take a stand on social issues.

Experience-Driven:Millennials value experiences over material possessions. They are more likely to spend their money on travel, entertainment, and dining out than on luxury goods. According to a report by Eventbrite, 78% of millennials would choose to spend money on an experience over buying something desirable.

Collaborative Decision-Makers:Millennials are more likely to make buying decisions in groups or with input from friends and family. They also rely on online reviews and social media to inform their decisions. According to a survey by YouGov, 84% of millennials trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Impact of Millennials on the Economy:Millennials are currently the largest generation in the workforce, with over 73 million people in the US alone. This means they have significant purchasing power and influence over the economy. According to a study by Accenture, millennials are set to spend $1.4 trillion annually by 2020, making them the largest consumer group in the US.

Businesses that fail to appeal to millennials risk losing out on a large and growing market. On the other hand, companies that understand and cater to the needs of millennials can gain a competitive advantage. For example, companies that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices are more likely to win the loyalty of millennials.


Marketing to Millennials

To effectively market to millennials, businesses need to understand their values and preferences. Here are some strategies that can help:

Emphasize Sustainability:Millennials care about the environment and want to support companies that prioritize sustainability. Businesses can highlight their eco-friendly practices and products to appeal to this group. For example, companies can use sustainable materials, reduce packaging waste, and offset their carbon footprint.

Use Social Media:Millennials are active on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Businesses can use these channels to engage with their target audience, showcase their products, and create a strong brand image. For example, companies can use influencer marketing to reach millennials and build brand awareness.

Provide Personalized Experiences:Millennials value personalized experiences, so businesses can use data and technology to tailor their marketing efforts to each individual. This can include personalized recommendations, targeted ads, and customized promotions. For example, companies can use customer data to recommend products based on past purchases and browsing history.

Collaborate with Influencers:Millennials are more likely to trust recommendations from social media influencers than traditional advertising. Brands can collaborate with influencers to reach their target audience and build brand awareness. For example, companies can partner with influencers who align with their brand values and target audience to create sponsored content that resonates with millennials.

Prioritize Diversity and Inclusion:Millennials value diversity and inclusivity, and they expect the same from the companies they support. Businesses can prioritize diversity in their hiring practices, marketing campaigns, and product offerings to appeal to this group. For example, companies can showcase diversity in their advertising campaigns and offer products that cater to a diverse range of customers.

Focus on User Experience:Millennials value user experience and are more likely to support companies that prioritize ease of use and convenience. Businesses can improve their user experience by optimizing their website and mobile app for easy navigation, providing fast and reliable customer service, and offering flexible payment and delivery options.


Frequently Asked Questions

What percentage of the population are millennials?

Millennials currently make up about 25% of the US population and are projected to reach 75% of the global workforce by 2025.

What types of products do millennials typically buy?

Millennials tend to prioritize experiences over material possessions and are more likely to spend money on travel, dining out, and entertainment. They also care about sustainability and ethical practices and are willing to pay more for products that align with their values.

How do millennials prefer to shop? 

Millennials are digital natives and prefer to shop online. They also rely on social media and online reviews to inform their buying decisions. However, they still value in-store experiences and want the option to see and touch products before making a purchase.

What are some common misconceptions about millennials as a commercial buying group? 

Some common misconceptions about millennials are that they are not loyal to brands, that they are all tech-obsessed, and that they are not willing to spend money. However, research shows that millennials can be brand loyal when companies align with their values, they value experiences over material possessions, and they are willing to pay more for products that align with their values.

How can businesses effectively market to millennials? 

Businesses can effectively market to millennials by prioritizing sustainability, social media, personalized experiences, collaboration with influencers, diversity and inclusion, and user experience. By understanding the values and preferences of millennials, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to appeal to this group and tap into their growing market share.



Millennials are a leading commercial buying group with significant purchasing power and influence over the economy. Businesses that understand their values and preferences can gain a competitive advantage by appealing to this group. By prioritizing sustainability, social media, personalized experiences, collaboration with influencers, diversity and inclusion, and user experience, businesses can effectively market to millennials and tap into their growing market share.