100x Your Youtube Subscribers in Under 6 Months w/Stefan Adika

The world as we know it is changing, and Youtube vloggers have become the new rockstars. The great thing is anyone can become a Youtuber, and agents can use the platform to take their businesses to the next level. 


If we want to use Youtube to generate extraordinary results, we can’t settle for sharing generic content that doesn’t come from the heart. To make the most of everything the platform offers, we have to aim to become the newest sensation. 


With so many other Youtubers churning out content regularly, how can we stand out to the audience? Is there a set formula that can turn any average Joe into a vlogging superstar? 


In this episode, host of Coffee with ADIKA Live, Stefan Adika shares how to become the next big thing on Youtube. 


Create the habit of posting everyday, and be consistent using a formula that works for you. -Stefan Adika


Three Things You’ll Learn in This Episode


  • How agents can create high quality contentMany real estate professionals are fairly technically challenged, but that doesn’t need to stop us from creating the content people want to see. Use an app like iMovie to make professional-looking videos that can be easily shared with the audience. 
  • Why being ourselves is the best way to grow an audienceA major part of Youtube’s appeal is its ability to let audiences connect to real people with real stories. If we want to make an impact, we have to share our unique personalities with our viewers. 
  • The key to success is believing in ourselves Don’t be deterred by a small audience early on in the process. It’s more important to stay consistent and authentic. Over time, we’ll gain more subscribers who are drawn to our content.



Guest Bio


Stefan Adika is the host of Coffee Talk with ADIKA Live, a Youtube morning show dedicated to making viewers start their day with laughter. He is also a California Realtor, passionate about helping people find their piece of paradise. Prior to becoming a Youtube sensation, Stefan was a touring bassist for over 2 decades. 


To find out more, go to:




Links mentioned in this episode:https://apps.apple.com/us/app/imovie/id377298193


To contact Greg, call or text him on 925 915 1978 or find him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/greg.mcdaniel.739?hc_ref=ARSlzu3bv1CkwWsP0sY4gk1qcZx43a6pNtHemtrEQDQNZGr6YYL2JDh_o9hqqP6SNTI&ref=nf_target


To get a free copy of Matt’s book, head to microfamousbook.com


And to find out more about Gene, go to genevolpe.com

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