Realiff profile page

Kathryn Rice


Kathy Rice has lived in Pennsylvania since marrying her husband in 1977. She was born and raised in Montana. She met her husband on a wagon train that went across the United States in 1976 with Youth With A Mission. She attended Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas and worked in Haiti among the impoverished nationals where her first child was born. Her six grown children currently live in central Pennsylvania, and she enjoys time with her thirteen grandchildren. She understands the needs of adequate housing, and will work with you to find that perfect home, and if you are ready to sell, she will do everything in her power to find a buyer who will appreciate your home as much as you do. She is committed to help you and keep the process as stress free as possible.

Covered Areas

USA PA , Hershey

USA PA , Pine_Grove

USA PA , Hummelstown

USA PA , Dauphin_Cnty

USA PA , Cleona


First Time Buyers

Contact Info
1518 Cumberland St