
Real Estate Uncensored - Real Estate Sales & Marketing Training Podcast: How to Smash Through Self-Limiting Beliefs, So You Can Create The Life Of Your Dreams w/Pamela Bardhi

Real Estate Uncensored - Real Estate Sales & Marketing Training Podcast: How to Smash Through Self-Limiting Beliefs, So You Can Create The Life Of Your Dreams w/Pamela Bardhi

Success takes hard work, and sometimes, there is merit in the grind. However, if weā€™re regularly toiling away 16-hour days, weā€™re probably just keeping ourselves on the hamster wheel.Ā 


The thing is, most of us are afraid that without those 16-hour days, we wonā€™t achieve our goals, and thatā€™s because weā€™re caught up in scarcity mindsets. So, how can we bust through those mindsets, once and for all?


In this episode, host of the Underdog podcast, Pamela Bardhi shares how she ditched her self-imposed limitations and built a business based on abundance.Ā 

Three Things Youā€™ll Learn in This EpisodeĀ 


  • The importance of professional coachingĀ 

Is spending money on coaching an unnecessary expense or a crucial investment we should be making in the early stages of our business?Ā 


  • How to get to the root of a scarcity mentality

Whatā€™s behind our self-limiting beliefs, and what can we do to kick them to the curb, for good?Ā 


  • Why pouring out is the key to bigger successes

Could being of service to others actually increase our chances of better results?Ā 


Guest Bio


Pamela Bardhi is a serial entrepreneur and founder of the MoschĆ© Group. A daughter to Albanian immigrants, Pamela has been hustling since the age of 10, when she worked in her familyā€™s pizza shop in Boston. By 21, she owned two of her own restaurants, and that was when the real estate bug bit her. Today, Pamela is a legend in the industry, and both Forbes and Time Magazine have highlighted her 9-figure real estate business.Ā 


Passionate about paying it forward and inspiring others to make their dreams a reality, Pamela is also the host of the hugely popular Underdog podcast.Ā 


To find out more, go to:ĀĀĀ 

Real Estate Uncensored - Real Estate Sales & Marketing Training Podcast: How to Smash Through Self-Limiting Beliefs, So You Can Create The Life Of Your Dreams w/Pamela Bardhi
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