How To Create Instagram Content that Gets Clients Without Selling w/Michelle Berman

We all know how important it is to be on social media, but many agents are still failing dismally, and that’s because they just don’t know what to post. 


As real estate agents, it may seem like a good idea to share about our latest transactions, but that could end up doing us more harm than good. The question is, what should we be posting?


What content does our audience want to see from us, and how can we use it to create better engagement with our followers? Is there a way to make our mark on social media as agents while sharing more personal content? 


In this episode, CEO of Berman Media PD and creator of The Instagram Power Method, Michelle Berman shares the biggest social media strategy mistakes we’re making, and what to do instead. 


Three Things You’ll Learn in This Episode 


  • Why capturing a closing is NOT content Simply taking a picture of our clients outside their new homes isn’t exciting for our followers. Who are the new homeowners, what’s their background, and how did they make it to that point? Use social media to tell a story. 


  • What makes storytelling so important for marketing On top of capturing our followers’ attention, telling a story helps people relate. If people see we’re finding homes for others with the same interests, needs, and circumstances as their own, they’ll know we have what it takes to close them, too. 


  • Why Instagram Stories are the #1 tool we all need to use Stories pave the way for a small, but powerful touchpoint: DMs. While a comment section under a post is publicly visible, DMs are private, and that encourages our followers to open up about their challenges, so we can build solid relationships and serve them at a higher level.


Guest Bio


Michelle Berman is the CEO of Berman Media PD and the creator of the Instagram Power Method Course. A nationally sought-after Instagram Coach, Michelle is passionate about helping real estate and mortgage professionals up their Instagram game so they can maximize their businesses. 


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