Think Big, Act Small! Eric Gillman On Staying Committed to Your Dreams, No Matter What


How can we stop getting caught up on the challenges we face and mistakes we make, so we can get started on how to move past them? Is it ever worthwhile trying to avoid failures altogether, or are they merely an inevitable part of life?


In this episode, Southern California Area Director at Sharp Retention and author of The Power Of Change, Eric Gilbert shares how to fail forward and stay motivated, no matter what life throws our way.Ā 


Three Things Youā€™ll Learn in This EpisodeĀ 


  • 1 way to ease overwhelm when going through a tough time

How can we possibly expect to move beyond a challenge when doing so feels like such a mammoth task?Ā 


  • The importance of setting achievable goals

Where do we draw the line between lofty ambitions that keep us motivated, and unattainable goals that simply set us up for failure?Ā 


  • How to stay consistent, no matter what

How can we stop putting our dreams on hold and just get started?Ā 


Guest Bio


Eric Gillman is the Southern California Area Director for Sharp Retention and author of The Power to Change: Creating The Life You Want Through Healthy Choices. A former obese, troubled teenager, Eric is passionate about helping others turn their lives around using the simple techniques heā€™s used in his own journey. Eric also loves giving back, and in March 2022, he plans to ride his bike from Miami to San Diego to raise funds for the Angel Wings Medical Clinic in Haiti.Ā 

To find out more, go to:ĀĀĀĀ 

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Or call him directly on 858-255-1142Ā 

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