Knox LaSister - The Future of Urban & Community Development

Throughout NYC and the entire US, there is a serious lack of supply of affordable housing. This has a wide-ranging impact on cities and their growth. Any investor interested in the long-term health of their market knows how critical affordable housing is to the local community and future economy. Real estate entrepreneurs have a critical role in how cities develop, and we dive into this subject in this episode.

Knox LaSister is the CEO of World Urban Property Management. (His online job title actually describes him as a "World Urban Strategist"). With over 30 years of experience in New York City Real Estate, his impact and expertise in the affordable housing industry has been significant. He is a thought leader in urban development and consults on new public/private developments around the country and the world.

We also talk about potential impacts that new technology has on real estate and how this will change the face of urban development. This includes things such as vertical farming, self-sustaining development, and new ways of creating public/private partnerships. To Knox, itโ€™s all about a housing environment which encourages community, that is not only better for the residents, but also has business and financial rewards for the owners.

This episode brings up topics that are often left out of typical real estate conversations, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I learned a lot.

We discuss topics such as:

  • How have his early life experiences of being homeless and building his first home at age 15 shaped his career?
  • The history and the current state of Affordable Housing in NYC
  • How are the mindsets of renters and owners different?
  • What is the future of public housing in NYC?
  • How do you create self-sustaining communities?
  • Whatโ€™s to come with vertical farming and the future of food in urban areas?
  • How does home ownership in low-income areas create community? For more information visit:

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