Tuesday Tactical: 3 Ways to Send More Effective Emails to Your Database w/Zach Hammer

Staying in front of and in touch with our databases is vital to our survival in this business. We need to make sure our outbound communication is effective. It is important that we create engaging content which drives value to the audience. 


How can we ensure our database stays engaged with our content? 


Is there a way to keep offering people value even when they aren’t in the market to buy or sell? 


On this episode, Founder of Real Estate Growth Hackers and the Local Celebrity Show system, Zach Hammer, returns to share how to communicate more effectively. 


Takeaways + Tactics 


When we have a ton of value to offer, it’s easy to want to send it all out, but to get a great response rate, we need to dangle the carrot. 


When we have a low response rate, some email service providers will proactively hide our emails, even from those who do engage with us. 


Offer content relevant to everyone in the database, including those not looking for a transaction now. 


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Guest Bio


Zach Hammer is the Founder of Real Estate Growth Hackers and the ‘Local Celebrity Show’ system. After years in the industry, Zach noticed that more leads don’t automatically mean more business- and for real estate professionals to convert more leads, they needed to become local celebrities. Today, he is passionate about helping real estate professionals boost their business using expert marketing systems. 


To find out more about Zach, head to: http://zachhammer.me/#about




For a free once-off call with Greg, text him on 925 915 1978 

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